Frequently Asked Questions
Offer: Referral can be sent by referring entity by email (online referral is in development). AeP will notify participant they are eligible for the program.
Completion Criteria: Successful completion of the program includes:
Enrollment including payment of the AeP program fee
Completion of the required AeP online course(s)
Completion of the requirements of the program within 90 days (or other timeframe deemed appropriate by referring entity) of enrollment
Enrollment: Once a program referral is received by AeP, AeP will contact the participant via text and/or email to enroll the participant in the program.
Online Access: Once a participant completes enrollment, they will be provided with a unique online access sign in and can begin the online course. Throughout the course, there are quizzes that must be completed prior to moving on in the curriculum.
Current Course Topics Include: Anger Management, Drug and Alcohol Education, Firearms Safety, Lifeskills, Theft, and Victim Impact.
Notices: AeP will send a completion notice to the referring entity, and/or the participant, or a termination notice, if the participant does not enroll, pay or complete the program within 90 days of enrollment.
Program Costs: The course fee for self-enrollment is currently $59 for each course topic. The fee for a case referred to AeP by a referring entity is $150 for each course topic.
Refunds: Once a participant enrolls and pays the program fee, no refunds of those monies by AeP will be paid.